The patented seal is designed as an alternate to spring loaded C-Seals for applications requiring higher spring back and tighter seal than regular C-Seals.
JETSEAL’s patented metal Super C-Seal ring is designed for applications requiring higher spring back and a tighter seal, enhancing both pressure and leakage performance. Super C-Seals can directly replace existing C-Seals for superior deflection without modifying the application cavity.
Super C-Seal rings can substitute for metal O-ring gaskets where low spring back or weld leakage cause failures or poor performance.
If you would like more specifics, download our C-Seal Catalog (PDF).
Operating Conditions
- Operating pressure range: Vacuum (1E-10 torr.) to 50,000 psi
- Functional temperature range: Cryogenic to 1300°F (704°C)
- Typical leakage rate: 1E-9 sccs He/mm circ.
Metallic Options
- Alloy 718 (AMS 5596, 5589, 5662)
- Alloy X-750 (AMS 5598, 5582, 5667)
- Waspaloy (AMS 5544, 5706, 5586, 5708)
- Other metallic options are available
Plating/Coating Options
- Plasma/HVOF wear coatings
- PTFE (AMS 2515)
Please call for pricing and availability or fill out the Application Data Sheet (PDF) and Quote Request Form.
Application Data Sheets are available in Spanish, French, German, Russian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Farsi, and Hebrew from JETSEAL’s Downloads or Contact Us page.